19 May 2007, 11:26pm

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Doves Do Not Cry, But Murmur

Doves Do Not Cry, But Murmur

The grass grows with equal severity,
On either side of the wall.

Dark headers bloom,
In a raucous assembly,
Wing beats, breast ruffles, heart croons
For the onslaught of Spring.

Diminutive blades bow
Low under splatter and spray
Until moist warmth settles,
An ever-increasing, palpable blanket,
On both sides of the wall.

And, doves do not cry,
But murmur.

Reaching, twisting, growing fat and heavy;
Heady, swelling, reaching still as though
Otherwise all life would be for naught.

A sway begins
With precise synchrony
On the left,
And on the right.

~ David Jay Spyker


"Which Side of the Wall?", 1996, Acrylics on Canvas Laid on Hardboard

"Which Side of the Wall?", 1996, Acrylics on Canvas Laid on Hardboard

I wrote this poem sometime in 2002, and wanted to share it as Spring unfolds and grows into Summer. It is always a mystical time of the year, filled with anticipation, potential, and even danger. Just as the title of a painting is extremely important to me, I feel that the line arrangement and punctuation of a poem speaks as much as the words.

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