23 Nov 2007, 3:53pm

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The Acrylics Forum is Closed

When I began hosting it in 2006, I had originally hoped the forum for painters working in acrylics would become a useful resource for artists, as well as a point of artistic community on the web. In practice, it was more of a magnet for spammers and spam robots than a hub for artists, which is why it is officially closed.

Perhaps, in the future, and if there is interest, and if I have the time, I would consider starting a new forum in the same theme. I can still be reached by email (see my contact page on davidjayspyker.com), and friends and fellow artists are welcomed to leave comments here on my blog too.

Wishing you peace in your lives,
David Jay Spyker

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    ~ Andrew Wyeth

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  • “This is how a human being can change:

    there’s a worm addicted to eating
    grape leaves.

    Suddenly, he wakes up,
    call it grace, whatever, something
    wakes him, and he’s no longer
    a worm.

    He’s the entire vineyard,
    and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks,
    a growing wisdom and joy
    that doesn’t need
    to devour.”

    ~ Rumi

  • “Hold fast your dreams!
    Within your heart
    Keep one still, secret spot
    Where dreams may go,
    And, sheltered so,
    May thrive and grow
    Where doubt and fear are not.
    O keep a place apart,
    Within your heart,
    For little dreams to go!”

    ~ Louise Driscoll