The Last Days of Autumn Wins Memorial Award

“The Last Days of Autumn” (featured in my last article) received the Donna Balavitch Memorial Award in the Winter Arts Festival Competition at Gallery Uptown (Grand Haven, MI) last night. Donna was a watercolorist who loved and grew up on the shores of Lake Michigan. She was also the mother of Lee Ann Frame, who is the chair of the Winter Arts Festival in Grand Haven, MI.

In my correspondence with Lee Ann, who is now a print maker, she expressed how she loved sharing art with her mother; in fact, they used to share shows, galleries, and regular critiques.

I was very happy to hear how much Donna would have enjoyed my painting, and am honored to receive this award in her memory.

Winter Art Festival Competition at Gallery Uptown in Grand Haven, Michigan

Opening Friday, February 6, 2015, the Winter Art Festival competition at Gallery Uptown in Grand Haven, Michigan includes sixty works by regional artists. I will be displaying The Last Days of Autumn, and The Last Days of Summer in the show, and hope to see you at the reception.

"The Last Days of Autumn", 2014, Acrylic on Hardboard, 27.75 x 46.25 inches, by David Jay Spyker

The Last Days of Autumn, 2014, Acrylic on Hardboard, 27.75 x 46.25 inches, by David Jay Spyker

The Last Days of Summer, 2014, Acrylic on Hardboard, 9 x 12 in., by David Jay Spyker

The Last Days of Summer, 2014, Acrylic on Hardboard, 9 x 12 in., by David Jay Spyker

The reception is on the 6th from 5:30 to 8:00 pm, with awards and comments by the juror presented at 7:00. The exhibition runs through February 28, 2015.
Gallery Uptown, 201 Washington Ave., Grand Haven, MI 49417
(616) 846-5460

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