25 Mar 2015, 3:59pm

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Mixed Media Gallery, Douglas, MI

Yesterday I delivered nine paintings to Mixed Media Gallery in Douglas, MI (Saugatuck).

David Jay Spyker, Art, Mixed Media Gallery, Douglas, MI
David Jay Spyker, Art, Mixed Media Gallery, Douglas, MII had worked with Mixed Media Gallery more than ten years ago until it closed its doors. When the owner, John Thomas, contacted me about the gallery re-opening, I was pleased to offer him some work for display. If you’re in the area, stop by to have a look, they’re getting new art in and setting up through the weekend.

The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review

A request by small poetry publication, The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, to use one of my older paintings in their upcoming issue prompted me to re-shoot it. I happened to still have this one, and I emailed an image of Watchers to them today.

"Watchers", 2002, Acrylic on Panel, 5 7/8 x 14 in., by David Jay Spyker

“Watchers”, 2002, Acrylic on Panel, 5 7/8 x 14 in., by David Jay Spyker

It will appear as an inside, black-and-white image in the Winter 2015 issue.

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