24 Jul 2006, 8:21pm


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An Invitation

Water has always featured prominently in my work (for those of you who don’t know, I am an artist), and as many recurring archetypal images, it holds certain meaning as part of my personal visual language. Aside from the physical power of water to alter the landscape, to give life and to take it away, there is something deeply vital, healing, cleansing in a body of water. It is surely no coincidence that water has found a place in spiritual and religious ceremony and ritual for millennia. The presence of water in my paintings often signifies a passage or journey, be it physical, spiritual, emotional, spatial, temporal, literal or allegorical, or any combination thereof.

I paint not solely to create, but also to speak.

Writing, as a form of communication, may be more readily understood than the subtle nuances of a personal visual language. I offer these writings as an alternate path into my world.

As with my art, I invite you here, to journey with me across the waters.

~ David Jay Spyker

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